purposeful play

Puffy Snow Paint

Book Extension Activity

Puffy Snow Paint is a simple art activity for kids that pairs perfectly with the book The Snowy Day.  


DIY Puffy Snow Paint is a simple and easy recipe that only requires two ingredients and is perfect for recreating the scenes from The Snowy Day.!


Before you start this puffy paint project, read The Snowy Day together with your child.


Head to your local library to get a copy or purchase the book below.

the snowy day


  • Makes reading even more fun 

  • Brings The Snowy Day to life

  • Strengthens fine motor skills

  • Sensory exposure to textured paint

  • Engages creativity

  • Increases comprehension of The Snowy Day

  • Explores cause and effect

  • Opportunity to interpret the book through art expression

purposeful play

How to Make Snowy Puffy Paint

First read The Snowy Day. Afterwards, talk with your child about the book. What happened to Peter on his adventure? How did he feel at different points in his day. Ask your child what their favorite part was. What was their least favorite part?

  • One part shaving cream

  • One part white glue

  • Glitter

  • Peppermint extract (optional)

Invite your child to paint a snowy scene!  Encourage them to paint their favorite scene from The Snowy Day or perhaps create a new snowy adventure for Peter. 

Set out Q-tips for your child to use to make foot prints and stick tracks in the snow-just like Peter! 

I’ve included a printable of Peter-the adorable character from The Snowy Day. Download below and print. Invtie your child to include Peter into their painting.

Another excellent way to stretch your child’s learning from the Puffy Snow Paint project is to ask your child to tell you a story about their painting creation.


Write down what your child says word for word and display their story next to the painting!

purposeful play

More Winter Themed Activities!

Hello there! I'm Sarah Britton and I am so excited you stopped by! Join me as we explore simple yet effective ways to create purposeful play opportunities for your child.