purposeful play

If You Give a Cat a Cupcake Reading Game

literacy activity for kids

This read aloud game is a fun, hands-on, book extension activity to be played while you read the adorable book If You Give a Cat a Cupcake aloud to your child! 

Book extension activities are a powerful literacy tool that help children build a solid reading foundation and strengthen their love of books!

Continue reading for the full instructions, and to shop this project! Check your local library for a copy of the book If You Give a Cat a Cupcake or purchase it below!


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If You Give a Cat a Cupcake
Reading Game

  • Download and print read aloud printable (download link below) 
  • Cut out the 12 circles
  • Place 12 cupcake liners in a tray or cupcake baking pan
  • Place cut-out circles inside the cupcake liners
  • Set out a container of pom-poms or buttons
  • Read the book If you Give a Cat a Cupcake together with your child
  • After you read the book, show your child the pictures in the cupcake liners
  • Read the words and talk about the pictures on each circle
  • Read the book again and this time invite your child to place a pom-pom or button inside the cupcake liner anytime they hear one of the words from the picture circles
  • After you play the game, talk about the book with your child
  • Ask your child what happened in the beginning, the middle and the end
  • Ask your child how many pom-poms are in each cupcake liner
  • Talk about what word was said the most
  • Were there any words that your child didn’t hear? If so, go back through the book and find the words they may have missed.

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