purposeful play

Raised Salt Painting

Letter recognition activity for kids

purposeful play

Raised Salt Painting

Letter and word recognition activity for kids

Raised salt painting is a wonderfully colorful, hands-on way for your child to strengthen their letter, word and name recognition skills.  
Children learn first to recognize letters and words that are most important to them. 
Example, one of the first letters a child will be able to recognize is the first letter of their name. Their name will also be one of the first words they are able to recognize by sight. 
Knowing this, allows you to boost your child’s letter and word recognition ability by weaving the names of their favorite things and people into literacy activities. 
Raised salt painting is a perfect way to accomplish this.
Continue reading below for full instructions and details!

raised salt painting

Materials Needed


  • Cardstock Paper
  • Glue
  • Table Salt
  • Water colored with food coloring
  • Pipettes

heart salt painting

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raised salt painting


  • Strengthens letter and sound recognition skills
  • Improves name and word recognition ability
  • Incorporates science and art into literacy learning
  • Engages imagination
  • Explores cause and effect
  • Explores water and salt properties
  • Hands-on learning 

raised salt painting

Step by Step Directions

gather materials

  • Gather all the materials needed
  • Set materials out
  • Place cardstock paper inside a tray or dish

write with glue

  • Write your child’s name (or another significant word) with glue on the cardstock paper
  • This is where it’s important to use words and names that are important to your child!

Pour salt

  • Pour table salt over the glue
  • Be sure to completely cover the glue with salt
  • Pour off the excess salt into a bowl
  • Save the salt for other projects

add watercolors

  • Fill pipette with colored water  and squeeze onto salted letters
  • Watch as the color spreads!
  • Continue until the word or name is fully painted


  • Repeat this process as long as your child is interested!
  • Use names and words that are significant to your child
  • Example: Mom, Dad, names of friends or sibling, the name of their favorite stuffed animal, toy or food.

purposeful play

More Literacy Activities

Hello there! I'm Sarah Britton and I am so excited you stopped by! Join me as we explore simple yet effective ways to create purposeful play opportunities for your child.