purposeful play

Puffy Paint Cupcake

book extension activity for kids

This DIY Puffy Paint Cupcake art project is a fun, hands-on book extension activity to pair with the adorable book If You Give a Cat a Cupcake.

Book extension activities are a wonderful way to bring books to life and to increase your child’s comprehension level! 

Start by reading the book If You Give a Cat a Cupcake to your child. After you’re finished, discuss the book together. Ask your child questions about the plot. 

Talk about what happened in the beginning, the middle and the end of the book. Share your favorite and least favorite parts of the book-ask your child to do the same.

Next, introduce the Puffy Paint Cupcake activity- explaining to your child that they will get to make their very own cupcake just like the cat in the book!


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How to make Puffy Paint Cupcakes

  • Draw and cut out a cupcake shape from a piece of paper OR 
  • Download and print our cupcake template below
  • Mix one part shaving cream and one part glue together in a paint cup or jar
  • Mix well
  • Invite your child to color or decorate the cupcake liner
  • Set out crayons, markers, paper scraps or any other crafting supplies you have around the house
  • Now, its time to paint!
  • Invite your child to paint the cupcake using the newly created puffy paint
  • Set out sprinkles, pom-poms and buttons
  • Encourage your child to decorate their cupcake!
  • Talk with your child about their new cupcake creation
  • Point out specific details about their cupcake that you like

More Extension Activities For the Book:

If You Give a Cat a Cupcake

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