beyond the playroom

purposeful play

spring activities for kids

Plastic Egg Math

purposeful math

plastic egg numbers

  1. Gather up 10 large plastic eggs
  2. Number the eggs 1-10 with a sharpie marker 
  3. Place the eggs in a basket. 
  4. Fill a second bucket with small balls, pom-poms or buttons. 
  5. Invite child to pick a numbered egg 
  6. Have your child add the correct number of objects (from the second bucket) into the egg
  7. Continue until all the eggs have been filled with the correct number of balls
  8. Example: Place four objects inside the number four egg


  • 10 large plastic eggs
  • 2 baskets
  • 55 small objects (pom-poms, buttons, cheerios all work really well)


  • Improves number recognition
  • Strengthens fine motor skills
  • Increases number sense 
  • Reinforces one to one correspondence

Paint and Plant

purposeful play

Paint and Plant

  1. Read a book together about how plants grow.  There are lots of great books for kids about the “Seed to Plant” process.
  2. Gather up your supplies. 
  3. Invite child to paint the plant pot
  4. Fill the pot with soil.
  5. Add seeds of your choice. 
  6. Talk with your child about what the plant will need to grow. 
  7. Find a good spot in your house or outside for the plant.
  8. Have a watering can available for your child to use to water the plant as needed.
  9. Watch together as the plant grows.


  • Books about Plants
  • Clay pots
  • Paint and paint brushes
  • Soil
  • Seeds
  • Watering can


  • Learn about the life cycle of plants
  • Learn new vocabulary words
  • Be responsible for another living thing
  • Learn how to plant seeds
  • Learn what a plant needs to survive
  • Get in touch with nature

extend learing

  • Make a book with your child about the plant you’re growing.  Take photos of the entire process. Take photos of your child painting the pots, adding the soil, adding the seeds, watering the plant, placing the plant near sunshine and photos of the plant as it grows.  
  • Print the photos you took and glue onto construction paper- gluing each photo onto a separate page. Staple the pages together or use a three whole puncher and ring binders.
  • Together with your child, write descriptions on each page underneath the photo.
  • Read and reread the new book you’ve created together! Display proudly in your home.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

purposeful play

the very hungry caterpillar

This fun activity takes a bit more prep work, but it’s a really fun way to extend the learning from this beloved book..

purposeful play

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