beyond the playroom

purposeful art for kids

fall tree mosaic

purposeful art

fall tree mosaic

This simple art project is really fun and highlights the beautiful color changes that happen during the fall season.
  1. First, draw an outline of a tree on large piece of paper. 
  2. Next, tear up paper scraps from fall colored construction paper. 
  3. Let your child help as tearing paper is a great fine motor activity!
  4. Place the colored paper scraps on a paper plate or bowl. 
  5. Next, tear up paper scraps from brown construction paper. Place the brown paper scraps on a the plate. 
  6. After you have all your supplies ready, set them out along with a bottle of glue or a glue stick.
  7. Invite your child to glue the fall colored scraps on the tree.  
  8. Use the brown colored scraps to fill in the trunk of the tree. 
fall tree mosaic
fall tree mosaic


  • Ripped up construction paper in fall colors
  • Ripped up construction paper in brown paper
  • Tree outline drawn on large piece of paper
  • Glue


  •  Use fall colored pom-poms for the leaves and paint or markers for the trunk
  •  Cut-up sponges, dip into fall colored paint and dab on the tree to make leaves.  Dip sponge in brown paint to paint the trunk 
  • Ask your child to help you rip the paper into small scraps-ripping paper is a great fine motor skill activity

purposeful play

more fall fun

Get more ideas for fun fall themed activities by visiting Let's Lasso the Moon
View more fun and purposeful fall activities from Beyond the Playroom

purposeful play

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