beyond the playroom

purposeful art

painting with apples

purposeful play

painting with apples

Painting with apples is so much fun and gives children a chance to experiment with paint in a different way.
This is a great extension activity to use after reading any fall or apple themed book!
Simple cut an apple in half. Next, invite your child to dip the apple into paint and stamp the apple onto paper!
simple art activities for kids


  • apples cut in half
  • tempura paint
  • tray or paper plate for paint
  • paper
  • fork or corn on the cob skewers 


  • Use different colors and different textured paper
  • Have your child use primary colors (red, blue or yellow) and dip the apple into two colors to create a new color
  • write the word “apples” on the paper and have your child apple stamp along the word  
  • encourage your child to come up with a color pattern to stamp (example-red apple, blue apple, red apple, blue apple)


  • Pierce the apple with a fork or corn on the cob skewer for easier handling
  • Avoid using too much paint to the trays or the apple print wont be very visible

explore more about purposeful art for kids

purposeful play

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