beyond the playroom

language and literacy

grocery store fun

early childhood literacy

purposeful outings

grocery store fun

When you get the chance- take your child with you when you go shopping. You will be amazed at how many ways there is to make the grocery store fun when you’re with your kids!
There are very simple ways to turn this mundane task into a fun, richly educational experience. While shopping, focus on engaging your child and making them a part of the process. You might be surprised at what a fun activity it can actually be!  
While you’re shopping-point out the print on the labels for the food items you’re choosing. The produce section is perfect for this as each fruit and vegetable is clearly labeled. Run your finger underneath the word as you read it. Point out the beginning letter of each item and the sound it makes. 
You can also write down a grocery list for your child to hold-attach it to a mini clipboard and have them check off each item as it goes in the cart.  The list can either be just the word or the word with a picture. For younger children a picture with the word is a great option.  When your child becomes more familiar with the activity and the words on the list- make the list with the word only and no picture.
While you’re shopping, talk about what you are seeing and what you are doing. 
Be mindful of your interactions with the other customers and workers in the store. Your child is watching your social interactions so use that as an opportunity to model positive social behavior and effective conflict resolution.
When appropriate, allow your child to help decide what types of food to buy.  A child feels valued and confident when they are asked to be a part of the decision making process. Children will begin to see themselves as capable and independent thinkers.


  • grocery list
  • clipboard
  • writing utensils


  • Reinforces letter and sound recognition and connections
  • Promotes sight reading
  • Reinforces print concepts-that print has a meaning
  • Makes reading and letters accessible and fun
  • Reinforces the purpose of print

pourposeful outings

learn more about the benefits of outings

Video: What are the Benefits of Outings?
60 Fun Outings For Kids
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