beyond the playroom

purposeful play

Early Childhood Literacy

play with purpose

language and literacy

Why is early childhood literacy so important?

A solid literacy foundation is absolutely vital for a child’s success in school and life in general.  
A child heading into kindergarten or first grade with a strong grasp on letters, words and sounds will be ready and able to soak up just about everything their teacher gives them. 
They will become strong readers and successful students. A child with strong literacy skills goes into the school day with confidence and excitement.  
There are so many simple yet effective ways that you can help your child build that strong literacy foundation. That is what you will find here-simple yet purposeful ways to strengthen your child’s literacy skills.
Though I will post many wonderful ways to promote literacy, the two most important things you can do with your child besides love them include reading together and talking together!
In fact, beyond the playroom’s mantra is…
early childhood literacy

purposeful play

literacy activities for kids

language and literacy

read together and talk to each other

read together
Why is reading to children so important?
Reading to a child opens them up to the magical world of books! Each new book provides new adventures, places and ideas. Reading together also instantly creates a bond between the two of you.
Reading to a child exposes them to a wide array of vocabulary and knowledge.  Click here to view a chart which shows the long term benefits of a child reading for just 20 mins a day. Click here to view another chart showing the importance of daily reading.
While you’re reading together, be sure to ask your child questions about the book. Ask them to make predictions about the plot. Periodically stop and point out interesting ideas and concepts. Ask questions before, during and after reading. These are wonderful ways to improve your child’s language and comprehension skills. 
Modeling reading is also an important way to reinforce the importance of literacy. When a child sees you read, whether for entertainment or information, they begin to value reading even more. Children will begin to see reading as a normal daily activity and not a chore. Talk with your child about what you are choosing to read and why. Be sure to add in some age appropriate details about the content!
talk to each other
Talking to children is equally as important as reading to them. 
Talking, just as reading, exposes children to new vocabulary words as well as more complicated sentence structures. By talking with your child, you model the rules of conversation and show them how to communicate effectively and respectfully.
Through talking, you also teach children reasoning and problem solving skills. When you have a problem (a simple problem that’s age appropriate to share) talk out loud about it. Discuss different ideas and strategies you could use to solve the problem.  
Use the mistakes you make throughout the day as teaching opportunities. When you make a mistake- talk about what happened and what you are going to do to address it. This will also increase your child’s reasoning and problem solving skills.  
Talking about your mistakes also models grace and gives your child tools to use when they make their own mistakes. They will begin to understand that mistakes are a part of life and not something to beat yourself up over.
When you make the effort to talk to children in a meaningful way-you are paving the way for a strong foundation of communication.

"The fire of literacy is created by the emotional sparks between the child, a book and the person reading."

-mem fox

purposeful play

language & literacy materials

add a variety of these literacy items to your child's playroom or play space


magnetic letters

felt storyboards

markers, crayons, pencils

letter stamps

books on CD


colored pens

assortment of paper




index cards


lined books

blank books


chalk and chalkboard

dry erase markers and boards

tracing letters


cards, stationary

letter stickers

cozy and adorable

literacy corner

Encourage lots of reading at home by creating a cozy and inviting reading space for your child! View my Cozy Reading Nook Pinterest Board for inspiration and ideas!

purposeful play

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