beyond the playroom

beyond the playroom


about us beyond the playroom

My Story

Sarah Britton

about us beyond the playroom

5 things i Love!

(besides my family)


Starbucks: Flat White


cafe rio salads




anything from Target or Hobby Lobby


all things Harry Potter

Thank you for visiting beyond the playroom!
My name is Sarah Britton and I’m a former Nanny and Preschool, Kindergarten teacher turned stay at home Mom and Coach.
I am extremely passionate about early childhood education. I believe strongly that it is the most important stage of human development. 
After my son was born, I started to really think about how to integrate what I had learned during my teaching years into our life at home.
I began to explore and look for opportunities to expose my son to important educational concepts.  
I used my knowledge of how to set up an engaging classroom environment to create an engaging and purposeful play space at home. 
Since my husband is a Pastor we have moved around quite a bit-making 5 out of state moves over our 15 years together. 
In each home we have lived in, no matter the size (and there were some small homes along the way), I have made it a priority to create a purposeful play space for our son in each one.  A space that I knew he would be able to create, build and learn!
I believe strongly that there are endless, simple yet purposeful ways in which we can enrich the lives of our children at home. Through purposeful play we can equip our children for future school success by helping them build a solid foundation.
This website was built to empower you the parent! My mission is to inspire you to engage your child in purposeful play. 
Beyond the Playroom is a space where you will find ways to create a playroom that your child will thrive and learn in.  This is a place for you to get simple ideas on ways to teach early learning concepts to your child.  
This is a space where you will find the tools needed to provide a rich learning environment for your little ones!

beyond the playroom

What will you find here?

purposeful play

Learn about the importance of purposeful play and simple ways to incorporate it into daily life

purposeful play space

Step by Step guide on how to create an organized, purposeful play space at home

weekly play ideas

Each week get new ideas and inpsiation on ways to engage with your child through purposeful play

Purposeful play

explore interest areas

math and more

ideas and inspiration on ways to incorportae early math skills into the lives of children


encourage creativity and art with children by providing easily accessible, purposeful art supplies


building & blocks

learn all about the importance of block play and the simple ways to incorporate it into daily play

science & sensory

Children are natural scientists. Explore fun and purposeful ways to engage children through the world of science.

language & literacy

Help your child build a solid literacy foundation! Learn simple yet purposeful ways to create a literacy rich environment

purposeful play

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