purposeful play

Glitter Snow Dough

Two ingredient snow dough recipe

purposeful play

Glitter Snow Dough

This Snow Dough recipe is hands down my favorite sensory bin activity! For starters-this snow dough recipe only takes 2 ingredients (3 if you want to add some sparkle). 
The other reason I love it is because it feels just like real snow! Kids can form it like real snow and build a beautiful snow scene including snowballs, igloos and snow people!
glitter snow dough

purposeful play

Glitter Snow Dough


  • Baking Soda (I used a 4 lb box- cost under $4)
  • Spray bottle
  • Water
  • Glitter (optional)


  • Sensory exposure and play
  • Engages creativity
  • Strengthens find motor skills 
  • Explores cause and effect

glitter snow dough


  1. Add baking soda to a bin
  2. Spray baking soda with water and mix until you get the desired consistency. You need to add a lot of sprays of water to get it to stick together so you may want to help your child with this part).
  3. Optional: Add glitter
  4.  Invite your child to play and explore!

Hello there! I'm Sarah Britton and I am so excited you stopped by! Join me as we explore simple yet effective ways to create purposeful play opportunities for your child.

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