purposeful play

EggMazing Easter Egg Decorator

Fun, colorful way to decorate Easter Eggs!

purposeful play

EggMazing Easter Egg Decorator

Simple, fun way to decorate Easter Eggs!!

Are you a huge fan of Shark Tank just like my family is??
If so, you may have already seen the EggMazing episode-and if you have you already know how incredibly cool it is!
After we saw the episode we couldn’t wait to try it and when we did-we weren’t disappointed.

If you have never heard of it before-no worries. Continue reading and we will show you exactly how it works and where to buy it!

The EggMazing is seriously so much FUN! It is such a simple, MESS-FREE and colorful way to decorate Easter Eggs and is perfect for all ages of kids and adults too!


  • Engages creativity
  • Explores cause and effect



  • Choose a marker, take off the cap and apply the marker tip to the egg 
  • Switch colors as often as you would like to create a design you love!
  • Keep creating and remember to share 🙂

purposeful play

More Fun Easter Activities!

Hello there! I'm Sarah Britton and I am so excited you stopped by! Join me as we explore simple yet effective ways to create purposeful play opportunities for your child.

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