purposeful play

Climbing Rainbow Science Experiment

STEAM activity for kids

The Climbing Rainbow Science Experiment is so much fun! This colorful, rainbow themed STEAM activity is a simple, hands-on way for kids and preschoolers to explore science. 


The Climbing Rainbow Experiment explores concepts such as cause and effect, the scientific process, and capillary action! 


From start to finish you can expect this experiment to take about 30-40 minutes.

It takes about 20-30 minutes for the rainbow to climb up each side of the paper towel.


Continue reading for the full instructions and to see the list of materials needed to complete this magical science project that will keep your kids engaged and learning!


Before you begin be sure to download the free printables that go along with this activity.



  • Explores scientific concepts

  • Experiments with cause and effect

  • Introduces new vocabulary words

  • Hands on learning

  • Teaches concept of capillary action

  • Introduces the Scientific Method 

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Climbing Rainbow Experiment

Trace a rainbow on a half sheet paper towel

Note: Use the use most absorbent paper towels you can find (I used Bounty-and it worked great!)

Cut the rainbow shape out

  • Using water based markers-add the colors of the rainbow to the bottom of each side of the paper towel 

  • Be sure to color about 1/2 inch above the bottom of the paper towel

  • Use water-based markers

  • Leave about a 1/2 inch of white space on the bottom of each side of the paper towel

  • Flip the paper towel over and color the rainbow on the other side as well

  • Connect a string to a paperclip

  • Clip the paperclip to the middle of the rainbow 

  • Hang or tape the string so just the bottom of the paper towel rainbow touches the bottom of the tray or pan

  • Add water to the dish to a depth of about 1/2 inch

  • Observe what happens

  • Ask you child questions about what they see

  • Explain to your  child how the colors are “climbing” up the rainbow” (See explanation below)

  • This science experiment takes about 30 minutes for the rainbow to climb up both sides and meet in the middle. 

Download and print The Climbing Rainbow Science Experiment Printables to extend the learning from this magical science project!

purposeful play

How Does the Climbing Rainbow Science Experiment work?

The science behind the Climbing Rainbow experiment is similar to the way in which water is able to go from tree roots to tree leaves- CAPILLARY ACTION.


Capillary action is the ability of water to flow in narrow spaces, resisting gravity along the way. 


When the paper towel gets wet, the water-due to capillary action- travels upwards through the fibers in the paper towel. 


When the water passes the color it brings the color upwards with it as it continues to travel up the paper towel. 

purposeful play

More Rainbow Activities!

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